We will be holding our dart banquet Friday, April 25, 2025, at the Army Navy Club. If your team plans on attending please drop off a sealed envelope with your $5.00 deposit and a list of players names that are attending by Wednesday, March 12, 2025 to the Army Navy Club. As always guests are $20.00 and should included with your list. -dulari128
I would like to share that Bill Morgan from Special Forces sadly passed away last Friday, January 31, 2025. Our thoughts and prayers go out to his family and friends. He will be truly missed. His calling hours will be held Saturday, February 8, 2025, from 12:30PM-2:30PM with a memorial service to follow at Tierney Funeral Home in Manchester for anyone who would like to pay their respects. -dulari128
Mark you calendars, we will be holding our banquet Friday, April 25, 2025 at the Army Navy Club. More details to come. -dulari128
Hope everyone has a Happy Holiday, see you in the New Year!! -dulari128
Don't forget we will be holding our annual Thanksgiving Eve Tournament at the Army Navy Club Wednesday, November 27, 2024. Registration will start at 6:30 PM and darts fly at 7:00 PM. Have a Happy Thanksgiving!! -dulari128
The captains meeting has been moved to Wednesday, November 20, 2024 at 5:30 PM at the Army Navy Club. Captains, if you are unable to attend please be sure you send a member of your team in your place. We will also be holding our annual Thanksgiving Eve Tournament at the Army Navy Club Wednesday, November 27, 2024. Registration will start at 6:30 PM and darts fly at 7:00 PM. -dulari128
There will be a captains meeting at the Army Navy Club Wednesday, November 13, 2024 at 5:30 PM. Captains, if you are unable to attend please be sure you send a member of your team in your place. We will also be holding our annual Thanksgiving Eve Tournament at the Army Navy Club Wednesday, November 27, 2024. Registration will start at 6:30 PM and darts fly at 7:00 PM. -dulari128
Just a few things I’d like to mention. You are allowed to add players up to mid-season, week 12 December 4, 2024. When adding new players please make sure they are listed on your score sheet the Wednesday before you’d like them to play, and their player dues are at the Army Navy Club the same night with their name on the envelope. You must check your tablet by Monday night before your match to be sure that your roster is up to date. If it is not, please log out, log back in and check for updates. You should be checking for updates before every match whether you’ve added a player or not. If then, you still don’t see your player on the roster please reach out to me, Dulari. Also, please be sure you are sending me your score sheets by the following morning of your match. Thank you! -dulari128
Welcome back!! Just a reminder player dues are due to the Army Navy Club by 9/25/24. Please be sure you include a list of players. All matches must be saved at the end of each match. -dulari128
CONGRATULATIONS TO WARTHAWGS, SCREAMIN EAGLES, YOUNG GUNS & PEPE’S FOR WINNING THEIR DIVISIONS PLAYOFFS!!!! If you have not dropped off your banquet deposits, please do so as soon as possible. The dart banquet will be held on Friday, April 19, 2024, at the Army Navy Club. Check-in and cocktail hour will begin at 5:00 PM, trophies at 6:00 PM, dinner at 6:30 PM, and LOD Dart Tournament at 7:30 PM. Hope to see everyone there! -dulari128
CONGRATULATIONS TO WARTHAWGS, RAGING BULLS, MATADORS, YOUNG GUNS, SCREAMIN EAGLES, BAR, PEPE'S & IDGAF ON MAKING IT THROUGH THE FIRST ROUND OF PLAYOFFS. Next week's schedule goes as follows: Raging Bulls @Warthawgs, Matadors @Young Guns, BAR @Screamin Eagles & IDGAF Pepe's. Don't forget to have your list and deposit for the banquet dropped off at the Zipser Club by Wednesday, March 20, 2024. -dulari128
The season has come to an end and playoffs start next week, the schedule goes as follows: Keg Killers @Warthawgs, Bull Dogs @Raging Bulls, Boozehounds @Screamin Eagles, BAR @American Legion I, Sporty’s @Young Guns, Zipser vs Matadors, Darty Deeds @Pepes’s & IDGAF @Special Forces. Don’t forget to have your list and deposit for the banquet dropped off at the Zipser Club by Wednesday, March 20, 2024. -dulari128
We will be holding our annual dart banquet on Friday, April 19, 2024, at the Army Navy Club. Check in and cocktail hour will begin at 5:00 PM, trophies at 6:00 PM, dinner at 6:30 PM, and LOD Dart Tournament at 7:30 PM. If you plan on attending, please have your refundable $5.00 per person and a list of players dropped off at the Zipser Club by Wednesday, March 20, 2024. Any guests will be $20.00, please include them on your list. -dulari128
Mark your calendars! We will be holding our annual Dart Banquet Friday, April 19, 2024, at the Army Navy Club. Stay tuned for more details. -dulari128
Don't forget there will be a captains only meeting held this Wednesday, January 17, 2024 at 6:00 PM at the Zipser Club. There are few changes to this weeks schedule 1/17/24. They go as follows: Sceamin Eagles @ Boozehounds; Raging Bulls @ French Club; Zipser @ Matadors; Sporty's v Young Guns @ American Legion. There have also been changes made to 2/21/24: Boozehounds @ Screamin Eagles; French Club @ Raging Bulls; Matadors @ Zipser. I you have any questions please reach out to Neil. -dulari128
There will be a captains only meeting Wednesday, January 17, 2024 at 6:00PM at the Zipser Club. -dulari128
The following changes have been made to home venues:
B.A.R. will be playing out of Zipser Club
Darty Deeds will be playing out of Oak St. Pub
Sporty's will be playing out of Army Navy Club
Young Guns will be playing out of Army Navy Club -dulari128
Please be advised B.A.R. is now playing out of the Zipser Club. -dulari128
Please be advised that BA Sporty's will now be playing out of Army Navy Club and Darty Deeds will be playing out of Oak St. Pub. If I hear of any more updates I will let you know. -dulari128
Just a reminder the last day to add players to your roster is Wednesday, December 6, 2023. You must have your player fee and name submitted by then for them to be eligible for the rest of the season. -dulari128
Just a reminder, we will be holding our annual Luck of the Draw Thanksgiving Eve Dart Tournament at the British American Club Wednesday, November 22, 2023. Sign up starts at 6:00 PM, tournament at 7:00 PM. This is free for GMDA members and $10.00 for non GMDA members. -dulari128
It’s that time of year again, we will be holding our annual Luck of the Draw Thanksgiving Eve Dart Tournament at the British American Club Wednesday, November 22, 2023. Sign up starts at 6:00 PM, tournament at 7:00 PM. This is free for GMDA members and $10.00 for non GMDA members. Just a reminder the last day to add players to your roster is Wednesday, December 6, 2023. You must have your player fee and name submitted by then for them to be eligible for the rest of the season. -dulari128
There will be a captains meeting at the British American on Wednesday, August 23, 2033 at 6:00 PM. Please make sure at least one representative from your team attends. -dulari128
CONGRATULATIONS TO BULLDOGS AND SPECIAL FORCES FOR WINNING THEIR DIVISIONS PLAYOFFS!!! Just a reminder, there will be a captains meeting Wednesday, April 12, 2023, at the British American Club at 6:00 PM. If you have not dropped off your banquet deposits, please do so as soon as possible. Hope to see everyone there! -dulari128
CONGRATULATIONS TO THE WARTHAWGS ON WINNING THEIR DIVISIONS PLAYOFFS!!! Next weeks schedule goes as follows: Bulldogs v American Legion I at French Club & Pepe’s v Special Forces at Pepe’s. Deposits for the banquet are due by next Wednesday, April 5, 2023, to the British American Club. The banquet will be held Saturday, April 22, 2023, at the British American Club. Check-in and cocktail hour will be 4:00-5:00 and dinner will be served at 6:00 PM. We will have raffle prizes, a 50/50, distribution of trophies and of course a dart tournament to conclude the evening. Hope to see you there!! -dulari128
CONGRATULATIONS TO WARTHAWGS, RAGING BULLS, B.A.R., BOOZEHOUNDS AND SPECIAL FORCES FOR MAKING IT TO THE NEXT ROUND OF PLAYOFFS. Next week’s schedule is as follows: Warthawgs v Raging Bulls at 3 Jays, American Legion I v BAR at American Legion, Bulldogs v Boozehounds at the French Club, Zipser v Special Forces at Zipser and Sporty’s v Pepe’s at British American Club. -dulari128
Sorry for the delay! Congratulations to Warthawgs, Bull Dogs and Zipser for their division win!!! This weeks playoff schedule goes as follows: Warthawgs v Screamin Eagles at 3 Jays, Raging Bulls v Keg Killers at Washington Social Club, BAR v Matadors at British American Club, Boozehounds v Young Guns at Zipser Club, IDGAF v Special Forces at American Legion. Don’t forget if you plan on attending the banquet on Saturday, April 22, 2022 please have your $5.00 refundable deposit and list of names dropped off at the British American Club by Wednesday, April 5, 2023. -dulari128
Play offs are right around the corner. You must have played in at least 5 matches to be eligible to play. As previously noted, the Dart Banquet will be held Saturday, April 22, 2023, at the British American Club. Cocktail hour between 4:00 PM-5:00 PM and dinner will be served at 6:00 PM. If you plan on attending, please have your refundable $5.00 per person and a list of players dropped off at the British American Club by Wednesday, April 5, 2023. Any guests will be $20.00, please include them on your list. Lastly, we will be holding a captain meeting at 6:00 PM, Wednesday, April 12, 2023, at the British American Club. There have been some spots that have opened on the board that we will be voting on. Please also bring you tablets. -dulari128
Mark you calendars! We will be holding our annual dart banquet on Saturday, April 22, 2023 at the British American Club. Stay tuned, more details to come! -dulari128
Hope everyone has a Happy Holiday! See you in the New Year!! -dulari128
Yesterday was the last day to drop off player dues for an added player. If you dropped off any dues please let Dulari know with your added players name. -dulari128
Sorry for the delay this week. ***Correction, the last day to add a player to your roster is Wednesday, December 14, 2022. On that day dues must be in to the BA and a name must be given to Dulari or Chris Pike by Sunday, December 19, 2022. -dulari128
Just a few details I forgot to mention in the last post. The annual Thanksgiving Eve Dart Tournament will be Wednesday, November 23, 2022 at the BA. Sign up starts at 6:00 PM and darts fly at 7:00 PM. This tournament will be random draw partners with payouts to the top 3 teams. It is free to all GMDA players and $10.00 to non GMDA players. Have a Happy Thanksgiving!!
Just a friendly reminder Wednesday, November 30, 2022 will be last day to add any players to your roster. We will holding our annual Thanksgiving Eve Dart Tournament Wednesday, November 23, 2022 at the BA. Sign up starts at 6:00 PM and darts fly at 7:00 PM. Hope to see you there!! -dulari128
Just a few reminders, please make sure you are setting the correct amount of legs for each game and that you are saving your matches at the end of each night. I am missing at least one match this week and in previous weeks I was missing a few matches. In addition, please be sure you are putting last initials when recording all stars if you have a teammate with the same name. -dulari128
Please bare with me as the person who does our website has COVID. As soon as the schedule is posted I will update last weeks stats. This weeks schedule goes as follows: WSC Raging Bulls @ American Legion Keg Killers; American Legion IDGAF @ Army Navy Special Forces; American Legion I @ B.A.R.; Pepe's at BA Sporty's; Young Guns @ WSC Matadors; Bulls Dogs @ Boozehounds; Screamin Eagles @ Warthawgs; Zipser Bye week. Just a reminder, if you are adding player they must be paid for a week prior to playing and the name is to be given to Dulari and Chris Pike by the Sunday before play. -dulari128
Correction *** Your score sheets and schedules will be at your home base *** -dulari128
Welcome back! Just a friendly reminder, all player and club dues are due before 7:00 PM Wednesday, September 14, 2022, dropped off at the BA club for any player playing tomorrow night. All dues must be paid by check. I’ve updated the rosters on this site, please cross check and let me know if there are any mistakes. Schedules and score sheets will be at each venue of where you are playing tomorrow night. Please remember that the score sheets are just a back-up, so make sure that scores are being entered correctly in DartConnect. This week’s schedule goes as follows: American Legion IDGAF @ BA Sporty’s; 3 Jay’s Warthawgs @ American Legion Keg Killers; American Legion I @ Zipser Boozehounds; WSC Matadors @ WSC Raging Bulls; Zipser Club @ French Club Bull Dogs; A/N Screamin Eagles @ Pepe’s; A/N Special Forces @ B.A.R; BA Young Guns Bye week. -dulari128
There will be a captains meeting Tuesday, August 23, 2022, at 6:30 PM at the BA. We will be voting on open board member positions. These include Commissioner, Vice Commissioner, Treasurer and Secretary. If you would like to run for any of these positions, you must be present at the meeting. Captains please be prepared to submit rosters with a minimum of six players. See you there! -dulari128
CONGRATULATIONS TO BULL DOGS AND PEPE’S ON THEIR DIVISIONAL WIN! Just a reminder, if you plan on attending the dart banquet on Saturday, May 14, 2022, deposits must be dropped of at the BA no later than Saturday, April 9, 2022. Also, if you have not already done so, please contact Russ to return your tablet, hanger and charger by Saturday. April 9, 2022. You can contact his via phone: (860) 670-4050 or e-mail: robitai7lle@hotmail.com. -dulari128
CONGRATULATIONS TO THE WARTHAWGS ON WINNING THEIR DIVISION. CONGRATULATIONS TO BOOZEHOUNDS, BULL DOGS, AMERICAN LEGION AND PEPE’S ON MAKING IT TO THE FINALS. Next weeks schedule will go as follows: Boozehounds vs Bulls Dogs @Boozehounds and American Legion vs Pepe’s @American Legion. -dulari128
***CORRECTION Russ's e-mail address is robitai7lle@hotmail.com. In addition, if you plan to bring a guest to the banquet there is a fee of $20.00 also due Saturday, April 9, 2022. -dulari128
CONGRATULATIONS TO WARTHAWGS, SCREAMIN EAGLES, BULLDOGS AND ZIPSER FOR WINNING THEIR FIRST ROUND OF PLAYOFFS. The schedule next week will go as follows: Screamin Eagles @ Warthawgs; Bulldogs @ Bulls Deep; Boozehounds @ BAR, Zipser @ American Legion; Special Forces @ Pepe’s. Just a reminder, if you plan to attend the banquet a $5.00 refundable deposit for players is due by Wednesday, April 9, 2022, to the BA along with a list of players who are attending. Our banquet will be held Saturday, May 14, 2022, at 5:00 PM at the American Legion. Russ would also like to collect all tablets, chargers and hangers by Wednesday, April 9, 2022. Please contact Russ to set a time to return to him. You can contact his by e-mail: robitai7lle@hotmailmail.com or by phone: (860) 670-4050. -dulari128
The regular season has come to an end, we will be starting play offs next week. The schedule is as follows: Warthawgs vs WSC @Warthawgs; Keg Killers vs Screamin Eagles @Keg Killers; Young Guns vs Bulldogs @Young Guns; Zipser vs Sporty’s @Zipser. -dulari128
Mark your calendars, we will be holding a Dart Banquet Saturday, May 14, 2022 at The American Legion in Manchester. A $5.00 refundable deposit per player and a $20.00 guest fee is due to the BA club by Saturday, April 9, 2022 with a list of players who are attending. Hope to see you there! -dulari128
There is only 2 weeks left in the regular season, you must have played in at least 5 matches to be eligible for playoffs. -dulari128
Stay tuned for details on our long over due dart banquet! -dulari128
Captains, before you start your matches, confirm that the date and time on the tablets is correct. It's an issue we've seen sporadically. If date/time are not correct, go into Settings and reset to current date and time or it will mess up Dart Connect. -dulari128
The season is coming close to an end with only 5 weeks left in the regular season. Don't forget you must have played in at least 5 matches to be eligible for the playoffs. -dulari128
Just a reminder, rosters are posted and set. Please check your roster and identify if there are any discrepancies. No team should allow any player who is not displayed on DartConnect to play a match. Also, players may not play under someone else's name on DartConnect. -dulari128
Please disregard the mask mandate. -dulari128
Due to the increase in COVID cases, the board has decided to enforce a mask mandate when playing matches. Thanks in advance for your cooperation. -dulari128
Welcome back! Hope everyone had a great Holiday and Happy Year! -dulari128
Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!! See you in 2022. -dulari128
Just a reminder, week 13 was the last week to add players to your roster for the season. -dulari128
Welcome back, hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving! Thank you everyone who came out for our annual Thanksgiving Eve tournament. We had a great turn out with 22 players. Congratulations to Chris Pike and Kyle Acelin on taking first place, Dave Neff and his partner on taking second place and Shane Kershaw and his partner on taking third place. Please note a correction, players can be added to your roster up to week 13. -dulari128
Just a reminder, the GMDA will be holding their annual Thanksgiving Eve Dart tournament at the BA on Wednesday, November 24, 2021. Tournament starts at 7:00 PM, registration at 6:30 PM. All players are welcome. This tournament is free to GMDA players and $10.00 for non GMDA players. Hope to see you there! Happy Thanksgiving!! -dulari128
The French Social Circle has now opened, any teams playing the Bull Dogs at their home will now be playing there. The address is 341 Kelly Rd, Vernon, CT 06066. Don’t forget rosters are final by week 11. If you plan on adding any players to your roster, please let Dulari and Russ know ASAP. The GMDA will be holding their annual Thanksgiving Eve Dart tournament at the BA. Tournament starts at 7:00 PM, registration at 6:30 PM. All players are welcome. This tournament is free to GMDA players and $10.00 for non GMDA players. Hope to see you there! -dulari128
I hate to be a nag but please be sure you are saving your matches at the end of each night. Also, make sure you are double checking your score keepers work and scores are marked correctly. -dulari128
Please be sure you are saving your matches at the end of each night. Also, if you have more than one person with the same name on your team, please put their last initials when recording all stars. -dulari128
I have been cross checking scores and all stars from DartConnect vs the score sheet. This week I did come across a few discrepancies when recording all stars. Please be sure when keeping score you are marking points accurately in DartConnect. Thanks for your cooperation! -dulari128
If you have not submitted player dues, please be sure they are dropped off to the BA ASAP as they were due last Wednesday. Just a reminder, when adding players to the roster, they must be added and paid for a week before they can play.
Message from Russ:
I've noticed over the past 3 weeks that some teams are still not recording or saving their games properly. Please be sure to follow these simple instructions:
1. 301 games are 1 let and worth 1 point each. Cricket and 501 games should be 1 leg each (think 1 leg = 1 game). And each of these games should be set to be worth 2 POINTS. Be sure this last part is done properly before playing. I'm seeing a number of 1 point Cricket and 501 games being posted that I then have to override.
2. At the end of each game, be sure the tablet shows the game is ended and ready for next game. Once the teams move to a single tablet, it looks like the first tablet is often not completing posting and closing their games.
3. When you are done using a tablet, Save the final game, then SAVE and CLOSE the match on that tablet. Wait until you see the system show all games saved, match saved before closing the tablet.
Following these instructions will ensure that all games and matches are properly posted and that the appropriate score is registered on Dart Connect. It is the responsibility of BOTH Captains to ensure that BOTH tablets have saved all games and matches before leaving the venue.
Just a reminder player dues are due Wednesday, September 29, 2021. For those teams who have not paid their sponsor dues, please make sure they are delivered ASAP. I've received many message team are having problems with their tablets, if this is the case please contact Russ. Also, make sure that you are saving your game at the end of each match. Please be sure you are entering the correct amount of legs in each game, at the end of the night the total should end with 18 between both tablets. If you are short a player during any game, you should still be inputting a player and marking the player that is present as if they won. -dulari128
Hope everyone had a great week one!! A few reminders, if you have not done so, please make sure your sponsors dues of $50.00 have been left at the BA for Russ to pick up by Tuesday, September 21, 2021 as well as player due's of $25.00 each due Wednesday, September 29, 2021. It is imperative that all matches be saved at the conclusion of each match as next season we plan not to use paper score sheets. For this season, please still text me a picture of your score sheet at the end of each match. As many of you know, Doreen Downham was in a car accident this week, we are wishing her a speedy recovery!! -dulari128
The dart season officially starts tomorrow! Just a reminder, sponsor dues of $50.00 are due tomorrow, September 15, 2021 and player dues of $25.00 per player are due week 3, September 29, 2021. If you plan to add any players to your roster they must be added and paid a week before they can begin playing. Please leave your checks at the BA. We will be going back to regular rules: if you don't have your six players you will need to forfeit the game(s) you are short in 301; you will play one player against two opponents in cricket and 501. Week one goes as follows: 2nd Bridge @ American Legion Keg Killers; 3 J's Warthawg @ WSC; American Legion @ Army/Navy Special Forces; Pepe's @ BA Sporty's; Bull Dogs @ Zipser Boozehounds; WSC Bulls Deep @ B.A.R; BA Young Guns bye; Army/Navy Screamin Eagles bye; Zipser Club bye. The website should be updated with the full schedule this week. Score sheets and printed schedules will be at the venue you are playing out of tomorrow night. Please be sure you text me your score sheet at the conclusion of each match if possible to (860) 836-1301. Shoot well everyone!! -dulari128
I regret you inform you that there will be no banquet this year. We hoping that we can have a banquet at the end of the 2021-2022 season. There will be a captain's meeting Wednesday, September 1, 2021 at 6:00 PM at the BA to discuss the upcoming season. -dulari128
We will be holding a Dart Banquet Saturday, September 11, 2021 at Wickham Park. More details to come. -dulari128
CONGRATULATIONS TO WARTHAWGS, 2ND BRIDGE AND BULLS DEEP ON THEIR DIVISION WIN!!! Don't forget there will be a captains meeting Wednesday, April 7, 2021 at 6:00 PM at the BA Club. -dulari128
Congratulations to Warthawgs, Keg Killers, 2nd Bridge, Washington Social Club, Bulls Deep and Zipser to making it to the finals. The next week will go as follows: Keg Killers at Warthawgs, 2nd Bridge at Washington Social Club and Bulls Deep vs Zipser at Army Navy. Just a friendly reminder there will be a captains meeting Wednesday, April 7, 2021 at 6:00 PM at the BA club. This meeting will be for last year's Captains, this year's Captains, and Captains who plan to play next season. Please be sure you bring your tablets, chargers and hangers to the meeting. -dulari128
Hope everyone enjoyed the season! Playoffs are upon us. Remember, you must have played 7 matches to be eligible to play in the playoffs. The schedule is as follows: Defectors at Warthawgs; Screamin Eagles at Keg Killers; Young Guns at Washington Social Club; Boozehounds at 2nd Bridge; Bulls Deep vs Batmen at Army Navy Club; Special Forces at Zipser. Shoot well everyone! -dulari128
Hello all! A Captains' meeting will be held Wednesday, April 7, 2021 at 6:00PM at the BA Club. This meeting will be for last year's Captains, this year's Captains, and Captains who plan to play next season. We will be discussing the potential for a fall banquet, distribution of trophies, tablet use, dart etiquette, and scheduled matches after a team forfeits. Look forward to seeing you! -dulari128
Please be sure that you are charging your tablets before each match. There are still teams that are not using their tablets and/or not saving the match when completed. If you are having issues with your tablet please contact Russ at (860) 670-4050. -dulari128
Merry Christmas and Happy Holiday's!!! See you in the New Year! -dulari128
The schedule has been pushed forward a week due to cancelling last week. Week 6 matches will be played this Wednesday, December 23, 2020. -dulari128
Unfortunately darts will be cancelled tonight, December 16, 2021 for the impending storm. Stay Safe! -dulari128
It has come to my attention some team's tablets are have problems with their batterie life. If you have any issues with your tablet please contact Russ. -dulari128
When keeping score be sure you are scoring the correct player that is throwing. Also, please be sure to save your matches at the end of each night. -dulari128
Please be sure your final rosters and dues are in by next Wednesday, November 18, 2020. -dulari128
Just a reminder, all matches must be finished by 9:30 PM. If you'd like to start your match earlier please have your captain contact Neil for their contact information. Thanks! -dulari128
Hope everyone had a great first week! Please check the rosters and let Neil know if anyone is missing. Just a reminder dues are due Wednesday, November 18, 2020 as well as your final rosters. -dulari128
The dart season starts tomorrow! All teams/players must adhere by the following rules:
1. You must wear a mask at all times while standing; if you are seated you may remove your mask as long as you are still following social distancing rules.
2. Teams must sit only with their own team during matches.
3. The score keeper at the start of each game must remain the score keeper for that entire game, and must wear a mask the entire time.
4. The tablets/markers must be sanitized before and after each game for the next score keeper. Each home team must supply the sanitizers for a match.
5. Washington Social and 2nd Bridge are allowed to have ONLY a score keeper, captain and players of an ongoing game in the designated playing areas (meaning no more than 6-7 people total for both teams). All other team members must be downstairs at Washington Social and in bar area or outside at 2nd Bridge.
6. There will be no smoking in any match areas.
7. If a team has only 4 or 5 players, that team is allowed to double-play throwers in a round of 301, cricket, and/or 501 games. Any player throwing twice in a segment of a match will be chosen blindly by the opposing team’s captain. ONLY FIRST games thrown will count towards all-stars; no second game personal statistics will be recorded.
Schedules and score sheets will be available tomorrow, November 4, 2020 at your home base.
Again, please be sure you’re sending Dulari your score sheet via text to (860) 836-1301 by the Saturday morning following your match. Final rosters must be submitted by Wednesday, November 18, 2020. All player fees of $25.00 each must be paid by then, as well.
Welcome back!! The dart season is finally upon us. There will be a captains meeting Wednesday, October 14, 2020 at 6:00 PM at the BA. We plan to start the season Wednesday, November 4, 2020 depending on the captains meeting. If anyone is looking for a team please contact one of the officers.
Hank Zethner has decided to step down from his position as Secretary. If anyone is interested in this position, please contact Neil.
With this new COVID world there will be certain rules players MUST adhere by. We will strictly be enforcing social distancing, if not upheld your team will be forced to forfeit the match. There will be no smoking in the match room. Non players must remain six feet from the line and remain seated. Please see your captain for a complete list of rules after the 10/14 meeting.
We will still be using dart connect but will also still have paper score sheets. There will be no carbon copies this year. Please send Dulari your score sheet by Saturday following the match via text (860) 836-1301. Please be sure that names, scores and all stars are written clearly.
Since there was no banquet this year, we will be refunding your $5.00 fee via check to your team captain. The steaks were already purchased prior to COVID. If you would like to purchase a frozen slab, please contact Russ. He is selling them for $100 for about 18-20lbs. These steaks are not yet cut.
Unfortunately, in light of COVID there will be no Thanksgiving match this year.
In light of everything that is going on the last week of play offs and the banquet will be postponed. These dates will be determined at a later date. -dulari128
CONGRATULATIONS TO WARTHAWGS FOR THEIR DIVISION WIN!!!! CONGRATULATIONS TO DART BAGS, YOUNG GUNS, BULLS DEEP, ARMY NAVY SPACE FORCE, BOOZE HOUNDS AND ZIPSER CLUB FOR MAKING IT TO THE FINALS!!! The schedule for next week goes as follows: Dart Bags v Young Guns @The Break Room; Army Navy Space Force v Bulls Deep @Army Navy; Booze Hounds v Zipser @ Zipser Club. 2nd Bridge, please contact Russ if any one from your team plans to attend the banquet. Shoot well everyone! -dulari128
We still have not received checks from the following teams for the banquet: B.A.D., BATMEN, Young Guns, Iron Sights, Warthawgs, Bulls Deep, Space Force & 2nd Bridge. Russ asks that you please send him text with head counts. He would also like to know when a good time would be for captains to return their tablets, chargers and hangers. He can arrange to pick them up at the BA. He'd like to have them all in by the banquet. PLEASE DO NOT DROP OFF TABLETS WITHOUT CONTACTING RUSS. He can be reached via text at (860) 670-4050. -dulari128
CONGRATULATIONS TO WARTHAWGS, KEG KILLERS, SPORTY'S BA, BULL'S DEEP AND BATMEN FOR MAKING IT THROUGH THE FIRST ROUND OF PLAYOFFS!!! The schedule for week two of play offs goes as follows: Warthawgs v Keg Killers @ 3 Jay's; Dartbags v Sporty's BA @ The Break Room; Young Guns v Army Navy I @ BA; American Legion v Bull's Deep @ American Legion; B.A.D. v Army/Navy Space Force @ BA; Zipser Booze Hounds v BATMEN @ Zipser Club; Red Eye v Zipser Club @ The Break Room. Please be sure that you are saving your matches at the end of the night. Just a reminder the money for the the dart banquet is due by tomorrow 3/7/20. There will be a drop in at the BA Saturday, March 14, 2020. 501 SIDO, double elimination, $10 a person, random draw. The top three teams will be paid. -dulari128
The season has come to an end and it's time to start playoffs!! The schedule for this Wednesday, March 4, 2020 will go as follows: Warthawgs v Iron Sights @ 3 Jay's, Screaming Eagles v Keg Killers @ Break Room, Washington Social Club v Sporty's BA @ Washington Social Club, 2nd Bridge v Bulls Deep @ 2nd Bridge, BATMEN v Special Forces @ British American Club. The following players are not eligible for the payoffs: Tim Murray - Screaming Eagles, Ken Wojonowski - Warthawgs, Rich Vanuccini & Ray Gagnon - Keg Killers, Sam Irvine, Davitt Driscoll & Dan Pike - Iron Sights, Sue Neff & Dan Sorrentino - Dartbags, Braydon Blake - Young Guns, Michael Brennan - Sporty's BA, Ray Soto - Space Force, Steve Mekkelson - Washington Social Club, Patrick Fagan & Chistopher Greene - BAD, Gary March - Special Forces & Gigi Grondin - Red Eyes. If you find that any of these player were named in error please let me know and I will double check. We are extending the deadline your list of players that are attending the banquet to March 7, 2020. Please let me know if you have any questions. I can be reached via text at (860) 836-1301. -dulari128
We're entering our last week of regular season matches. Playoffs will begin on Wednesday, March 4, 2020. Don't forget $5.00 from each player attending the dart banquet is due by February 26, 2020. Please drop off at BA with a list of each players who's paid. The Kegkillers will be playing the Zipser Club at the Zipser Club Wednesday, February 26, 2020 instead of at the Break Room. -dulari128
Just a reminder $5.00 from each player who plans to attend the Dart Banquet is due by February 26, 2020. Please drop off at BA with a list of each players who's paid.
A number of teams do not appear to be saving their games on DartConnect after each match. In addition some teams continue to not confirm points per leg are correct before starting each match. Many games are being logged as 1 point when they are cricket and 501 games.
CAPTAINS: Please be sure confirm the points are set up on the tablets BEFORE each game. We need the league to be up to speed in using DartConnect app if we're going to start using it exclusively next season. If you have any questions please contact Russ Robitaille and we will help resolve any questions. -dulari128
There will be a dart tournament on Saturday, February 15, 2020 at the BA. 6:30 PM registration 7:00 PM start. 501 straight in double out. $10.00 entry. -dulari128
The season is coming to an end. Just a reminder all rosters are now frozen. You must have played in at least 5 games to play in the playoffs. Mark your calendars, the dart banquet will be held on Saturday, April 18, 2020 at the BA. Hope to see you there! -dulari128
Please be sure you are saving your matches at the end of each night. -dulari128
You're stat sheets from last week will be at the site you are playing at tonight. Thank you for your patience! -dulari128
I did not receive a score sheet from Special Forces v Bulls Deep. I will update accordingly when it is received. I tried to get the score from DartConnect but the matches were not recorded correctly. Please be sure you are saving all your matches at the end of the night. thanks for your cooperation. -dulari128
I did not receive a score sheet from Bulls Deep v Warthawgs this week. I took the all stars off DartConnect. Please let me know if I missed anything or recorded anything incorrectly. You can always text me your score sheet if you do not have time to drop it off at the BA. Thanks! -dulari128
WELCOME BACK!!! I hope everyone enjoyed their holiday. Just a reminder all rosters are now frozen. You must have played in at least 5 games to play in the playoffs. Mark your calendars, the dart banquet will be held on Saturday, April 18, 2020. Hope to see you there! -dulari128
Don't forget darts resumes Wednesday, January 8, 2020. Happy Holiday's and Happy New Year!! -dulari128
Just a remind that there will no matches Wednesday, December 25th and Wednesday, January 1st. As we work out all the bugs please be mindful of saving all your matches the night of the match. HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!! -dulari128
Thank you to all who came out to the Thanksgiving Eve Dart Tournament. It was a great turn out. Hope everyone had a good time!! -dulari128
Don't forget this Wednesday, November 27, 2019 will be our Thanksgiving Eve Dart Tournament at The British American Club. Sign up starts at 6:30 PM and the matches begin at 7:00 PM.
IMPORTANT NOTE TO TEAMS: If any games are not played on tablets due to a problem with the tablet or Dart Connect, please contact Russ to explain so the league can look into it and resolve. We've noted some games are not being recorded on Dart Connect and want to ensure that any issues are worked out before we start using the tablets full time next year. Some issues may just need training reminders. As a reminder, please be sure you use Dart Connect via Google Chrome and not Internet Explorer as the app doesn't play well in Explorer. Thanks! -dulari128
It's that time of year again! The Thanksgiving Eve Dart Tournament will be held Wednesday, November 27, 2019 at the British American Cub at 7:00 PM. Sign up starts at 6:30 PM. Open to all players. Free for all GMDA members, $10.00 for non players. Two divisions - competitive and fun. Competitive: random draw, double elimination, cash tournament. Fun: smaller prize pool, fun games with prizes. Bring a dish or desert an receive a ticket for a special raffle. Let's have some fun!! -dulari128
Thank you very much for turning in all your score sheets this week!!! Much appreciated. -dulari128
Please be sure that you are saving all your matches in DartConnect. Two sheets missing this week, however those matches were saved in DartConnect. This will be very important for next year. American Legion v Red Eyes & Batmen v A/N Space Force please reach out to me so I can appropriately record your allstars. Thank you for your cooperation. -dulari128
Please make sure when recording all stars that you are writing last name initials if you have more than one person with the same name on your team. 2nd Bridge please reach out to me to verify which Ben on your team got an all star for 10/23/19. -dulari128
Of note, accurately posting scores to DartConnect are very important for us to maintain accurate records. So please make sure that they are appropriately recorded. Since we will no longer be using paper score sheets as of the end of this year, this is extremely important. Missing score sheet AGAIN. Batmen v Washington Social. Please remember that I am the new standings secretary therefore you may send your score sheet to me via text @ (860) 836-1301. If more convenient. Please add your first and last name and team name that you are sending for. -dulari128
Please add Ame Baechler to the roster of Sporty's. Eligible for 10/16/2019. Please remember, to write any issues and additional players on the bottom of your score sheet. Also, all money must be in the form of a check and dropped at the BA Club one week before eligibility. This week we were missing a score sheet and will update when received. -sotkowski
Message for the captains, please be sure that you are checking your e-mails after each match to see your results and to confirm that there are no questions or issues. Also, please be sure that you are responding to any e-mails sent from Russ. We want to assure that there is no issues with DartConnect and matches are being saved appropriately. If you are having an issue with the battery life on your tablet please be sure to inform Russ as soon as possible. Thank you for your cooperation. -sotkowski
Thank you everyone for getting your score sheets in on time and saving your matches to DartConnect. Remember, going forward, all new additions to any team must be paid one week before eligibility. You may include name and fee with score sheet. When recording all stars, please make sure that the persons name is legible. In addition, first time all star recipients should include last names. Don't forget, this league is a FUN league. So have fun! -sotkowski
Thank you for submitting your rosters in a timely fashion. With Dart Connect, next year, rosters will have to be submitted by week one so that all new players can be registered on the site by then. The website is up to date. Any discrepancies, must be submitted by writing them on your score sheet or by e-mail. Moving forward, additional players must be paid and recorded the week prior to their first match. -sotkowski
Please make sure that you are saving your games on both tablets at the end of each match as well as at the end of the night. Please remember that both tablets are used during the match and must be saved individually. As always, we must address score keeping. Even with our new tablets, there should only be one score keeper. Multiple people at the scoring tablets is a distraction to the shooter and the match. Please do not run up to the board when people are shooting, Thank you for your cooperation. -sotkowski
This week only, seeing its Monday night, your paper stats will be delivered to the venue you are at this week. The website, took longer than anticipated to right. Now up and running. Thank you Justin, our IT guy! Please heed the previous message regarding saving the matches. Each tablet has to be saved each night. Both are used during the match. -sotkowski
Captains, please be sure to check that games and matches on your tablet have been saved each week. Also, please respond to any e-mails sent to either you or your team "administrator" for dart connect. Be sure that you are writing down last names of new players who have gotten all stars. After week 3 there will be no more score sheets so you may want to make copies of them as you will still need to submit them each week. -sotkowski
WELCOME TO OUR 25TH YEAR!!! MAY IT BE THE BEST ONE EVER!! COUPLE THINGS... Score sheets will be at the club you are playing at tomorrow night. IN ADDITION A NOTE WITH SOME REMINDERS. As we transition into the electronic scoring, information will be important. Please make sure to read it. Thank you. -sotkowski
CENTRAL: Dart Bags def Army/Navy Club I 20-16
Young Guns def Iron Sights 19-14
SOUTHERN: Bulls Deep def Sporty's 20-19
Space Force def 2nd Bridge 20-16
WESTERN: Army/Navy Club II def BAtmen 19-5
Zipser Booze Hounds def RedEyes 19-9
Good luck everyone and most importantly, have fun!!!
Thanks to everyone for making this season a good one. Congratulations to Three J's Warthawgs; Three J's Iron Sights: Sporty's @ BA Club: Army/Navy Club II for winning their divisions. WEEK ONE PLAYOFFS: WARTHAWGS def WASHINGTON SOCIAL CLUB 19-1; BA YOUNG GUNS def B.A.D. 19-11; BULLS DEEP def ZIPSER CLUB 19-14; BATMEN def ARMY/NAVY CLUB III.
The playoffs begin this Wednesday as follows: EASTERN DIVISION - WSC @ Warthawgs. Keg Killers @ Screaming Eagles. In the remaining three divisions the top three teams receive a bye this week and the remaining is as follows: CENTRAL DIVISION - B.A.D. @ Young Guns. SOUTHERN DIVISION - Zipser Club @ Bulls Deep. WESTERN DIVISION - Army/Navy III @ BAtmen. Good luck everyone. Please forward results via email or text to SteveO. Thanks. -sotkowski
If we have not received your list or deposit money, it is urgent that you contact one of us. Our contact info is on the stat sheet and this website. We don't want anyone to miss out on a great time to end a great year!! -sotkowski
This years banquet will be held on Saturday April 20th at the BA Club. Festivities begin at 5:00pm with a happy hour followed by a short meeting, awards and a steak dinner. We will also have a drop in tournament after dinner. Great way to end the season!! Subsequently, we will be asking for a $5 refundable deposit from every member wishing to attend, and a $15 fee for all guests. We will need this list along with the money no later than Saturday March 2nd with your score sheet. You may leave this at the BA Club at any time up to and including the aforementioned date. In addition, WE ARE LOOKING FOR VOLUNTEERS TO HELP WITH THE BANQUET AND AWARDS. PLEASE VOLUNTEER!!! -sotkowski
Thank you Justin for fixing the scores. The standings are now correct going into this week. Thank you for your patience. -sotkowski
Since the schedule was wrong, you will notice the scores are messed up. I was unable to change the schedule or the matchups on this website but gave each team the points they earned. Since the league is based on points and not wins and losses, the points are right. Our IT guy is in California. Lol. The scores were as follows: Washington Social Club def Sporty's 13-5; B.A.D. def Army/Navy Club III 12-6. Sorry for the inconvenience. -sotkowski
ARMY/NAVY III @ B.A.D. It had been B.A.D. @ Washington Social Club and Army/Navy Club III @ Sporty's @ BA Club. -sotkowski
Hope everyone is enjoying our 24th season. Seems like only yesterday!! -sotkowski
As we edge toward the end of the season and the playoffs, we are still in need of volunteers for our various committees. Trophy, banquet, rules. If you can help, we would appreciate it. -sotkowski
There was a discrepancy in this weeks scoring. The match between Sporty's and Army/Navy II was posted as an 11-7 win for Army/navy when in fact it was a victory 11-7 for Sporty's. Sorry for inconvenience. It has been corrected. -sotkowski
The Rules Committee meeting will be held Monday January 21st at 6:00pm at the Zipser Club. All welcome. Some much needed revisions are to be discussed. We need feedback from you. -sotkowski
Rules committee meeting will be held on Monday January 21st at 6PM needed. Thanks.at the Zipser Club. All welcome. I hope we can get some feed back. Important revisions are -sotkowski
Please make sure you are aware of the schedule discrepancies posted last week. Welcome to 2019!! Have fun and shoot well!! -sotkowski
There are two discrepancies in the upcoming schedule and the following changes have to be made. On January 30th the current schedule reads: B.A.D. @ WSC and AN III @ Sporty's. This changes to Sporty's @ WSC and ANIII @ B.A.D. In addition; February 27th currently reads: Sporty's @ Batmen. This changes to Batmen @ Sporty's. Thanks. I will put a note in next weeks stst sheets. -sotkowski
Don't forget that we are off this week, 12/26. We resume play Wednesday January 2, 2019. Have a Happy and Healthy New Year!!! -sotkowski
Welcome to the second half of the season. Rosters are now frozen. Good luck to all down the home stretch. We are always looking for help with our committees. Trophy, banquet, etc. -sotkowski
Rosters are now frozen. No new players may be added. Also, remember that a player must play in at least five separate matches to qualify for the playoffs. Hard copies will resume this week. -sotkowski
Welcome back from our Thanksgiving break. Hope everyone had a safe and happy holiday. Couple things moving forward. 1. This is the last week you can add players to your roster. The player must be submitted with the fee no later than Saturday with your roster sheet. 2. Due to SteveO's surgery, no hard copy stats will be delivered this week. Will resume deliveries next Sunday, 12/9, as normal. 3. Please add Josh Davis to the roster of Bulls Deep eligible for this week. Good luck to everyone going forward. -sotkowski
We are now at our Thanksgiving break. Enclosed with this weeks stat sheet is the flyer with the format for the Thanksgiving Eve Drop-In Tournament. Free to GMDA members. Sign up begins at 6 and starts at 7. Lots of fun, prizes etc. Come down to the BA Club and have some fun with friends. Good way to start the holiday. Also, this is week 10, so you have two more weeks to add players. Please add Ryan Dion to the roster of the Zipser Club. Effective this week. -sotkowski
Thanksgiving is just around the corner. So is the Annual Thanksgiving Eve Drop in Tournament. As always, this will take place at the BA Club and begin at 7:00pm. Registration begins at 6:30pm so we can begin on time. No charge to GMDA Members. Different levels of competition, prizes and fun. Come on down and join us for a good start to the holiday!! -sotkowski
Missing score sheet for the match between Iron Sights and Bulls Deep at the Washington Club. Will update when I receive it. Shirts will be done this week and picked up. Will post when ready for pick up for your team. -sotkowski
Received score but not sheet. -sotkowski
Week 8. Missing score sheet for the match held at 2nd Bridge Brewing Co. against the Screaming Eagles. Two players added this week; Lori Blake to the Young Guns and Chris Conklin to the Red Eyes. Both eligible for their next match. Remember that we are off next Wednesday for Halloween and will resume the following Wednesday November 7. Enjoy your trick or treat time! -sotkowski
week 7. All's well. Rules being looked at. Shirts ordered. About three week lead time. -sotkowski
Week 6. Looking for input on rule changes etc. Please if you have something that should be looked at, put it on your score sheet and we will look into it. Rules committee will be meeting soon. -sotkowski
Forgot to mention that we have a gentleman named Matt Waterhouse that is looking for a team to play on. If you would like to contact him, please let me know and I will provide the number, thanks. -sotkowski
week 5. All rosters on web site are now up to date. Going forward, to add a player you must submit name and payment one week prior to eligibility. Week 12 is the cutoff. VERY IMPORTANT: Please remind scorekeepers that they are to be seen and not heard unless asked for score or remaining score. Otherwise, don't drink, smoke, move around talk yell, etc. while keeping score. Thank you. -sotkowski
Week 4. Between now and week 12, players added to your roster must be submitted and paid for one week before eligibility. Check your roster on the web and make sure we have everyone through week 3. Also, thank you everyone for the lists of sizes and colors for your team. Order will be placed this week. -sotkowski
Week 3. Pay to Play players must have been paid for already. Rosters are now set. Any additions must be paid for one week in advance of their being eligible to play. Also, shirt sizes and colors must have been submitted. The order will be processed by 10/5. If you missed the deadline, please contact us immediately. -sotkowski
Week 2. Rosters still open until this week. After this week a player may be added to your roster if paid one week prior to play. Also, please get your sizes and colors for your team in to us no later than Saturday September 22nd. There are other colors other than what was listed. If you are looking for a specific color, please put it down. They may have it. -sotkowski
Week one is in the books. We want to thank everyone for their prompt delivery of the fees and rosters. Official rosters are due no later than Saturday September 22nd. Anyone that has played must be paid by then. After that you must submit the name and fee one week prior to his/her being eligible for play. Also: We need the shirt sizes and colors for the league sponsored shirts. Must have those by the same date. Every Captain should have gotten a hard copy of the meeting minutes, which includes the color choices. -sotkowski
Earlier I had posted the League Meeting as being at 6PM. It is at 7PM. Sorry for the inconvience> -sotkowski
Well, ladies and gentlemen. IT'S Back!! Seems like a short summer. We will be having a League Meeting, Wednesday August 22. 6PM at the BA Club. Please send a representative. As always, every league member is welcome. -sotkowski
Winter storms aside, we have reached the finals for the Central and Southern Divisions. Central has Army/Navy Club I @ Washington Social Club while Southern has WSC "Bulls Deep" @ Three J's Iron Sights. Good luck to all.
Congrats to the Eastern (Three J's Warthawgs) and Western (WCB Redeyes), playoff winners. And to the Division winners: Three J's Warthawgs, Washington Social Club, Three J's Iron Sights, World Championship Billiards II. See you at the banquet April 28th. -sotkowski
Unfortunately another Wednesday winter storm has forced us to postpone our matches for this evening. This has been epic! In the 23 years prior we cancelled once. We will resume next week. Be safe! -sotkowski
The playoffs have arrived: Next weeks schedule is as follows: In the Central and Southern divisions, top three teams have a bye this week. Central: Grady Tavern @ B.A.D. Southern: Army/Navy Club II @ Sporty's @ BA Club. Eastern: #4Dart Bags @ #1Warthawgs (3J's); #3Keg Killers @ #2Screaming Eagles(WCB). Western: #4Misfits @ #1WCB II(WCB); #3Red Eyes @ #2Batmen(BA Club). Good luck to all. Also: We have received some lists and deposits for the banquet. WE MUST receive your list of attendees and money no later than Saturday March 24th at noon with your score sheet or alone. Fun time. Please come and enjoy!! -sotkowski
Last week of regular season is this week. Playoffs start the week after. Playoff format for four team divisions is: 4seed @ 1seed; 3seed @ 2seed. Double checking five team division format. Should be 1,2,3, get bye week one, 5seed @ 4seed. Winner plays one. ALSO: Please get your lists of banquet attendees to us no later than the first week of the playoffs. Failure to do so will result in your being left off of the list for food. Let's do this!! -sotkowski
Last weeks missing score sheet turned out to be a forfeit. Grady Tavern was closed that night causing Grady's to forfeit 9-0. It has been reflected in the current updated scores. Banquet is Saturday April 28th at the BA Club starting at 5:00pm. Please get your list of attendees and deposit and guest money to us no later than the first week of the playoffs. Thanks. -sotkowski
Missing score sheet: BA Young Guns @ Grady Tavern. -sotkowski
VOLUNTEERS, VOLUNTEERS, VOLUNTEERS!!! Need for banquet, trophy committee, rules committee, etc. Please step up! Don't forget your lists for banquet. Its never too early!! -sotkowski
VOLUNTEERS NEEDE!! Banquet is Saturday April 28th. Please begin getting your list of player along with their refundable $5 deposits to us, Please make sure your list is complete and don't drop off money piecemeal. Money for each team should be in the form of a check. Guests are $15. Thanks. -sotkowski
We are still looking for volunteers to help with our year end activities. If you would like to help, please contact a Board member or write your contact info on your score sheet. -sotkowski
A facebook page has been established by Sue Neff of the dart bags. Check it out. -sotkowski
Welcome to 2018 and the second half of the season. As we jockey for playoff position, please make sure all of your players qualify. -sotkowski
Hope everyone had a great Christmas and have a safe and Happy New Year. We begin play anew on January 3rd. Good luck to everyone. -sotkowski
Please remember that we will not be throwing on December 28th. Also, please make sure that all of your players have at least five matches to qualify for the playoffs. Have a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!! -sotkowski
Rosters are now frozen. No new players may be added or team transfers proposed. With the holidays fast approaching, we would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Remember we break again between Christmas and New Years. We lost two of the leagues icons recently. Tom Keleher passed last month and Bob Brannick passed this past week. Tom served on the Executive Board for many years before retiring from the league. Bob, of course, was the owner of Sporty's and was an original member of our league. He also catered our banquet until he lost the bar. A celebration of life is planned for Bob at the BA Club at 6:00pm Friday December 15th if you can attend. We will be recognizing them and others at our banquet next year. -sotkowski
Welcome back from the Thanksgiving holiday. Hope everyone had a good one. Second half of season starts now with week 12. Remember that rosters are now frozen. No new players or player transfers are allowed. Also, each player must have played in five matches to qualify for the playoffs. Having said that, Alex Zajac has been added to the roster of the Zipser Club effective immediately. -sotkowski
Please remember the drop in tournament next Wednesday November 22nd. 6:00pm registration. Refer to the flyer on our this website. In addition, rosters will be frozen on week 13. Still 2 weeks before then. -sotkowski
Please remember that we have a drop in tournament Wednesday November 22nd at the BA Club. Sign ups begin at 6:00pm. Start by 7. Enclosed with this weeks hard copy stat sheets is a flyer that explains things. Also you will find a copy on this website by tomorrow. Hope to see you all there!
Craig McClennan has been added to the roster of WSC "Bulls Deep". Tom Mascaro has been added to the roster of B.A.D. Both eligible for 11/15. ALSO: The deadline for adding players to your rosters is fast approaching. Week 12 is the cut off this year. -sotkowski
Bob Miner has been added to the roster of the Warthawgs effective 11/8. Don't forget the Drop in tournament Wednesday November 22nd at 6:30pm at the BA Club. Lots of fun and prizes before Thanksgiving holiday. See you there!! -sotkowski
Remember the drop in tournament, Wednesday November 22nd at the BA CLUB. Hope to see you there. -sotkowski
Dan Bilodeau has been added to the roster of Free Spirit Dart Bags, eligible for October 25th. Don't forget that we have a drop in tournament scheduled for Wednesday November 22 beginning at 6:30pm at the BA Club. Prizes, raffles, games for different skill levels. We also will be taking donations for local charities. Come on out and have some fun before the Thanksgiving Holiday. -sotkowski
NOTE: Patrick Fagan was left off of the roster of B.A.D. by mistake. This has been rectified. ALSO: The score of the match between the Misfits and "Bulls Deep" reflects a three point penalty for an illegal roster handed down by the Executive Board. Their current roster is up to date. -sotkowski
Please add Mike Beauregard to the roster of Army/Navy Club I eligible 10/11. And add Phil Courtman to the roster of WCB II eligible 10/11. -sotkowski
All rosters have been submitted and have been updated on this website. You may add players up until and including the halfway point of the season. In this years case, week 12. That player MUST be paid for one week prior to their eligibility for play. No exceptions. I have also updated the all star list to include those players whose names I did not have. Please review and let us know if there are any changes by writing it on your score sheet. PLEASE REMEMBER, SCOREKEEPERS SHOULD BE SEEN AND NOT HEARD!!! -sotkowski
Rosters and player fees should have been turned in on 9/23. Players may be added through the halfway point of the season. -sotkowski
Week two is in the books. SOME NOTES FOR YOU: Rosters and player fees are due no later than next Saturday with your score sheets. Please drop off at BA Club in the form of a check ONLY. More score sheets have been printed and will be dropped off at the club you are playing at on Wednesday along with a revised copy of the rules. Any questions, please feel free to contact us. -sotkowski
Welcome back everyone. And welcome aboard to all of our new members. After our hacking in the off season, it has been a process to get the site up and running. Thanks to Justin Zipkin, we are back in business. No hard copy stats were available this week, however, the website is current. REMINDER: Rosters and player dues must be turned in by week three(September 20th). -sotkowski
Welcome back! We hope everybody is refreshed and ready for a new season. Here are some important upcoming dates for the 2017/2018 darts season:
9/4/2017: Packets delivered to home club
9/6/2017: Club fees due
9/20/2017: Final rosters due to the board -jzipkin
Playoff Schedule, Wed, March 22:
Eastern (B.A.D. or WCB) @ 3J's Warthawgs
Dartbags @ WCB Screaming Eagles
Bulls Deep @ Washington Social Club
Young Guns @ Grady Tavern
WCB III @ Army/Navy II
GOOD LUCK TO ALL! Remember first one to 19 points wins the match. -
Please remember that all of the lists and deposits/guest money must be in by this week. Thank you! -
By now, every team has received a hard copy of the playoff format. Playoffs start Wednesday March 15th at the club of the higher seed. Please make sure you get your lists and money for the banquet to the Board no later than the Saturday of March 8th matches. Please make sure that this deposit and/or guest money, is in the form of a check. Thanks. -
Please refer to last weeks news for all of the details regarding the banquet and playoffs. Included with your hard copy standings is your playoff format. Please note that all matches are played at the higher seeds venue. And, players must have played in AT LEAST five matches to qualify for the playoffs. -
After having our league meeting on Wednesday February 15th we decided to schedule our banquet for Saturday May 13th beginning at 5:00PM. We will be at the BA Club for this event as we usually are. Team Captains are required to submit a list of their team members and guests who will be attending no later than Saturday March 11th with your turned in score sheet for the match held on March 8th. With this list will be a $5.00 refundable deposit. Deposits will be returned at the banquet at check-in. Guests are $15.00. The menu will be steaks on the grill with sides, salad etc. We will need help bringing food into the hall as well as clean up after. Anyone can help who attends. Our banquet and trophy committees are in place and this years raffle will be the best ever. We will also have a drop in tournament after the banquet based upon the formats we have done at last years banquet and Thanksgiving Eve with prizes and cash. More info will be forthcoming. Please plan on attending!! Playoff format will be as follows. Wednesday March 15th will be the semi-finals for each division with #4 at #1, and #3 at #2. All matches played at the venue of the higher seed. Eastern division will play one extra week due to them having five teams. The format will be distributed next week. -
On February 15th at 6PM at the BA Club we will be having our league meeting in preparation for the playoffs and our banquet. Anyone is welcome to attend, however, we want all teams represented. Also, anyone who had indicated that they would volunteer for our committees need to attend. We will be deciding upon, food, fun and raffles for the banquet and awards for those teams and players who will be getting them. Volunteers still needed for these and other committees. If you wish to help, please attend. See you then!! -
Missing score sheet received and is reflected in the latest standings. Coming upon the end of the regular season, please remember we need a head count and deposits from all who plan to attend the banquet. Not to early to start. -
Missing score sheet: World Championship Billiards III @ WSC "Bulls Deep". No stats recorded for that match. Therefore, the delay in updating the website and delivering the sheets. -
On the home stretch. Still need volunteers for the banquet, trophy and rules committee. Please step up!!
Welcome back. Hope everyone had a great holiday!! We will be having a league meeting coming up. Please watch for the date and time. -
Please remember we are off 12/28. Have a great Christmas holiday and New Year and we will see u all next year. -otto1143
Please remember that we are off as a league on December 28th. Also, Top Shelf Brewing officially moved to World Championship Billiards as the Keg Killers. Please note that this is where their home games will be, moving forward. Also, please keep track of your players playing time for the playoffs. All players must have played in 5 matches to qualify for your playoff roster.
Welcome back from the Thanksgiving holiday. Hope everyone had a great one. Rosters are now frozen. No new players may be added or any transfers accepted. Also all players must have played in at least 5 matches to qualify for the playoffs. Now's the time to make sure this happens. Top Shelf has closed. Their dart team will be playing at the BA Club until December 7th. They will then be moving to World Championship Billiards for the remainder of this season. Please note this change on your schedules. -otto1143
Thanksgiving Eve Drop-In Tournament Wednesday November 23rd at the BA Club. 6 pm registration. 7 pm start. Free to all GMDA members. Great fun!! -otto1143
Please remember that to add players, they must be paid for one week before their eligibility. Don't forget the Thanksgiving Eve Drop In Tournament at the BA Club. Registration begins at 6. Please click on the link on the home page for more details!! Fun time. And remember its free to all GMDA members. -otto1143
IMPORTANT: Player fees and rosters are due no later than Saturday by noon at the BA Club. Failure to do so will result in penalties!!
The schedule page now has team-based iCal links! Check it out to import your team's schedule for the year into your local or web based calendar. -jzipkin
The 2016/2017 GMDA season will be officially starting on 9/7/2016! Over the next week, the board will iron out the schedule for the entire year. In the meantime, please plan your first matches accordingly:
The BATMEN @ Army/Navy II
Three J's Warthawgs @ BAD
Army/Nayv @ Grady Tavern
Sporty's@BA @ BA Young Guns
Free Spirit Dartbags @ Top Shelf Brew Pub
W.C.B. Screamin' Eagles @ Washington Social Club
ZipFits @ World Championship Billiards III
WSC 'Bulls Deep' @ Zipser Club
World Championship Billiards II @ BYE -jzipkin
Very Important Captains meeting Wednesday 24TH at 6PM at the BA Club. At least one member of your team should attend. Seventeen teams this year, new venue, elections, many changes. See you then. We have done board measurements and lighting inspections. Results, Wednesday. -otto1143
Welcome back players! As we get ready for the 2016/2017 season, we have a few important dates coming up:
Board meeting: August 3
Captains Meeting: August 24
As usual, meetings are at the BA in manchester at 6:00pm. -jzipkin
EASTERN DIVN: Screamin' Eagles @ Warthawgs
CENTRAL DIVN: Grady's @ Dart Bags
SOUTHERN DIVN: Washington @ WSC "Bulls Deep"
WESTERN DIVN: The BAtmen @ World Champ II -otto1143
Reminder: This years banquet will be held on Saturday April 23rd beginning at 5PM. All teams must have a $5 refundable deposit, along with your list of attendees for all your players and guest planning to attend. Captains must turn in this list, with the money, no later than March 9th. Guests are $15, non - refundable. We will be having a drop-in tournament after the dinner, using a different format based upon skill level to encourage more participation. Details to follow.
Thanks to all those in attendance last Wednesday for our league meeting.This years banquet will be held on Saturday April 23rd beginning at 5:00 pm. All teams must have a $5 refundable deposit, along with a list of attendees, for all players and guests attending the banquet. Captains must turn in this list and money no later than March 9th, the last week of the season. Guests are $15. We will be having a drop in tournament after the banquet with a different format which should promote better participation based on skill level, etc. More details to follow. Remember that all players must have played in at least 5 matches to qualify for the playoffs. -otto1143
Happy new year! We will be having a very important league meeting on Wednesday, January 27th at the BA Club. We expect your team rep to be there at 5:45 and will start the meeting promptly at 6:00. We have a number of matters to discuss and to vote upon, so we would appreciate your attendance. This year's banquet will be held on Saturday, April 23rd beginning at 5:00pm. There will be a drop in tournament after the dinner and we will be discussing format changes at the league meeting. -jzipkin
Thanksgiving eve drop in tournament: Wednesday, November 25th at the British American Club. Check in at 6:30pm, $10.00 entry fee, random draw. Come out and have a great time with your GMDA friends! -jzipkin
Please remember that player additions must be submitted one week prior to their start date - no exceptions. Player additions are allow up until week 11. -jzipkin
Thank you everybody for your help - all roster and team fees are now in. Remember that you may add players to your roster up until week 11. A $25 addition fee and request must be submitted one week prior to their being eligible for play. -jzipkin
Please remember that your roster and team fees were due no later than Saturday, September 26th. If fees are not in, the bylaws state that you will lose points until you comply. One sponsor has yet to pay their fees and has already lost a home match! -jzipkin
Western division scores are updated! Shoot well this week! -jzipkin
Hopefully everybody is back into the swing of things as we're coming up on week 4. Team fees were due this past Saturday, so if you have not submitted them please do so ASAP! Keep in mind that you may add players to your rosters up until week 11, but an additional fee is required 1 week prior to the player shooting. Also note: Week 3 stats have been updated on the web page, but we're currently missing scores for the Western division. The new results will be reflected on the website as soon as they are available. -jzipkin
All club dues are now in. Thank you everyone for your cooperation. Please remember that your roster and team fees are due no later than Saturday, September 26th. -jzipkin
Welcome back everyone! Schedules and score sheets for the season have been distributed to all teams at their home clubs. Going forward, weekly stats will be posted to the webiste and hardcopy result sheets will be delivered to your clubs by Monday. The new website is a work in progress but we are looking for your feedback. Please email webmaster@gmda.us with any suggestions. -webmaster
Team Captains: Please remember to drop off your score sheets to the BA as soon as possible. Scores are due 12:00 noon on Saturday. -webmaster
The first regular season game of the year is on September 9, 2015. Check out our new schedule page for more information. -webmaster