We play at venues throughout the greater Manchester area and are always looking for new players with varied levels of experience.
Mark you calendars, we will be holding our banquet Friday, April 25, 2025 at the Army Navy Club. More details to come.
7 Hits | Ryan Cadorette, Vince Huschle, Peter Rhinesmith, Jim Gavin | |
6 Hits | Michael DuMouchel | |
4 Corks | Mike Beauregard | |
3 Corks | Shane Kershaw, John Bremser Jr., Jamie Page, Edan Varni, Pete Cattanio, Clayton Clapp, Mike Beauregard, Alex Pumiglia, Jim Neff | |
140 | Jamie Page, Michael DuMouchel, Bill Morgan | |
Other High Scorers: George Palmer (125), Eric Rauscher (121), Steve Deproto (120), Mike Beauregard (120), Shawn Michaud (133), Sean Corcoran (120) |
Zipser Booze Hounds | Darty Deeds | 18 | - | 0 |
Matadors | Who Darted | 16 | - | 2 |
Tomahawks | Keg Killers | 14 | - | 4 |
Z Darts | Special Forces | 14 | - | 4 |
Raging Bulls | Screamin' Eagles | 13 | - | 5 |
Bulldogs | American Legion 1 | 13 | - | 5 |
Warthawgs | Young Guns | 12 | - | 6 |
Sporty's | Zipser Club | 11 | - | 7 |
High On | Kevin McAuliffe - 154 | |
High Off | Andrew Margelony - 151 | |
T80 | Pete Cattanio, Sean Corcoran, Adam Hennequin | |
T71 | Joe Valenti | |
Round of 9 | John Jacko, Mike Switzer, Graham Jarry |